Consciousness Posters

Conscious Evolution: Make up Your Mind to Wake up Your Mind

Evolution is an ongoing process of which we can be a conscious participant.  Your body is not a static thing;  your body is an evolving system with complex energetic components that are accelerating in their development at this time.  This process can be stimulated by conscious involvement of the mind.  Learning to activate and regulate this evolutionary process is healthful, relaxing, creative, and just plain fun.  If you find yourself bored with regular activities and discouraged about the state of the so called real world, you may want to take advantage of the opportunities Outernet can bring to your life.  It is up to you to make up your mind to wake up your mind, and be a part of conscious evolution.

The Global Enlightenment Network can enrich your life in many ways.

We all want to live in a more peaceful world, we all want to live in a more loving world.  But all around us is evidence of fear, greed, anger, conflict and violence.  The Enlightenment Network is a forum where awakening individuals can learn to use their life force for the co-creation of a heart-centered world, and take responsibility for directing our evolution in ways that are self-sustainable, inspirational, and joyful.

People use the telepathic web for many things, including:  

  • social, environmental & political activism
  • spiritual connection
  • self-development
  • healing & stress reduction
  • entertainment!

This expanded frequency network is a powerful vehicle for transformative change, and is also gaining popularity as a new form of healthful entertainment.  The telepathic web holds a vast and barely tapped potential for creating solutions to many of the challenges (war, economic meltdown, ecological destruction) that face us today.  

Remember when the internet seemed like a pie-in-the-sky idea? 

The Enlightenment Network might seem like a strange and unusual thing to some, but to many people it makes complete sense.  It offers a forum for personal and global transformation that is refreshing, inspiring, and tremendously exciting.  It is going to take ideas that are out of our comfort zone to bring about real change in our world.

The Enlightenment Network is the most potent opportunity for the awakening population to stimulate the evolution of mass consciousness.

We all are looking for ways to improve ourselves and our world, and here is an incredibly unique, evolutionary, original communications system that provides great leverage for change while increasing health.  Instead of feeling exhausted and hopeless trying to push change through at the dense level of the present mass media and political system, the telepathic web offers people tools to exert leverage from a higher frequency platform.  Using less effort, your 'vote' can be registered easily and with great effectiveness.

Empowering the Evolution of Consciousness

Let's Think Bigger We can think bigger than we have been.  Really outside the proverbial box.  Why limit ourselves to ideas that are familiar?  The biotechnology of your own body can provide the most accurate, safe, and transformative communication choice available.  This can be used to accelerate the evolution of human society into one of love and peace, rather than fear-based polarity and violence.  

Not only are many of the answers you seek in the palms of your hands, they are actually in the molecules of your whole body.  The Global Enlightenment Network offers tools for stimulating the conscious evolution of your developing energy system, and using these capabilities for personal and global transformation.    

Upgrade Your Operating System

Many people rush to get the latest in every phone & operating system upgrade that unfolds, and spend quite a bit of money and time to use these technologies.  These systems of communication are precursors, metaphors really, of our potential for something truly innovative.  Instead of using an external device to connect with other people and information around the planet, you can learn to develop and utilize your own body for this purpose.  In fact, you probably already do this sometimes, but it is mainly unconscious and unrecognized.

Telepathy is Practical & Safe

Telepathy is a practical form of communication that uses the rapidly developing energy system of our body to transmit and receive many forms of information.  There are specific, safe, and reliable steps you can take to learn to use this biotechnology.  And just like using a phone or the internet, you also learn simple things to do to protect your information and privacy.  In fact, it can be easier to take care of privacy with telepathy, because you have more intimate control over how you share your information.  It is internally regulated by you, not by an outside company or network.

As more and more people activate their own developing light body and use it for personal & global empowerment, the evolution of consciousness is exponentially accelerated.  

How Does it Work?

You need to use specific, replicable steps to connect to the Global Enlightenment Network. Instead of hooking up through an electrical connection (like when you go on the internet), you learn unique meditative exercises that teach you how to expand and adjust your energy body in order to go ‘online’ telepathically.  Your own body’s energy system becomes the direct interface to the telepathic web.  Communication can occur directly without intermediate devices, like cell phones or computers.  And it is free, faster than 4G, and fun!

We offer a wide array of guided meditation audios and videos that provide clear directions to operate on the telepathic web effectively and safely. These unique energetic exercises have been developed for over 30 years.

Enlighten the Matrix

Each Post is an Impression Many of our posts are a simple phrase and/or image.  They are impressions that convey information, and also unlock information.  One of the ways to utilize the Enlightenment Network is to circulate these impressions out into the mass 'thought stream.'  Just imagining that scenario begins the process.  Doing it after you expand your energy body increases the effect exponentially.  Outernet encourages people to create images that vibrate with a very different frequency than what is broadcast constantly over conventional media sources in order to enlighten the sub-conscious planetary matrix.

The Enlightenment Network is Transformational Media

Present media outlets, such as TV, the internet, magazines, and newspapers, are at this time often dominated by fear and violence, perpetuating the underlying unconscious (and conscious) expectations that keep re-creating negative realities. Global Enlightenment Network participants can input and amplify new information into the vibrational thought streams circulating through our atmosphere in order to manifest more harmonic realities.  As more people align with these higher frequencies, the coherence of their thought streams can quickly gain power.

Tune Your Body First

Think about how a finely crafted instrument can transmit incredibly pure tones that penetrate clearly through our hearts to move us deeply into exquisite realms of feeling and experience.  A person with a finely tuned and developed energy system can use it to broadcast information in much the same way as that instrument.

Even a little bit of practice to expand,develop, and regulate the energy body leads to an exponential increase in telepathic capacity.  With very little effort, the frequencies of positive thoughts can penetrate through realms of dense, polluted thought forms and help cleanse our global thought-scape.  And the good news is, even just imagining that your energy body expands, even if you don't really know what that is, helps it begin to happen.  Downloading the free audio on this website will give you more specific directions if you want to take it further.  

A Vibrational Library

Expanding your energy body and then noticing what you 'receive' (think, feel, & picture) after you see a post is a wonderful way to access different dimensions of information.  Without reading or going to a class, you will come into contact with many rich sources of accurate and original material on an endless array of topics.  Interested in genetics?  Emotional development?  String theory?  Nutrition? ~ GEN is more fun than an iPhone, and healthier too!

Noticing your impressions from a post is also a good way to stimulate telepathic development.  Please feel free to share what you notice, no matter how mundane or 'out there', because this will help to validate your own and others experiences. 

The Global Enlightenment Network is a creative, entertaining, healthy, & enlightening communications network that is free for all people of good intention.  It is not a cult or belief system, and does not have a leader.  Anyone can use it, and you do not have to ‘join‘ anything in order to enjoy the benefits that this growing network can offer you.